Welcome! I’m Kim!
I’m a retired mom, aspiring writer, entrepreneur, and gardener. I lived and gardened in the zone 4 mountains of Colorado for more than 30 years and recently moved to zone 8a in the flats of north Texas. I certified as a Master Gardener in both locations and am passionate about growing my vegetables.
From the frost-kissed mornings in Colorado to the sun-drenched afternoons in Texas, I’ve embraced the challenges and joys of coaxing life from the ground. I’ve experienced the ins and outs of gardening and have found so much pleasure and satisfaction. My goal is to share this knowledge and guide other new gardeners to discover the magic of gardening.
Join me on this adventure as we dig into the world of vegetables, cultivate sustainable practices, and nurture the beauty of nature right in our own backyard.
Happy gardening,

My favorite:
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Bell Peppers
- Tomatoes
- Okra
Garden Tools
- Hori Hori Knife
- Pruning Shears
- Garden Trowel
- Garden Kneeler
- Root Slayer Shovel
Garden Suppliers
- Gardener’s Supply
- Garret Wade
- Tractor Supply Co.
- Lehman’s
- Drip Works